Know about the Lenticular 3D and Lenticular Printing

Allowing a range of images to be seen by the naked eye at one time, lenticular 3D means pertaining to lenses, as a lenticule is actually a kind of lens. Two separate components make up a lenticular 3D lens. The first is a series of printed images or a printed image. Feeling like a kind of grooved Plexiglas, the second is the lens. We are able to see more than one image at a time by looking at the image through the lens. Allowing the 3D effect to emerge, the image is printed in strips, rather than a whole image in one piece. With the term few people are familiar. To bring images to life lenticular printing offers a great way. Giving companies new ways to promote their products and themselves, it is cutting-edge technology. To printed images, using lenticular 3D technologies, a whole range of 3D graphics effects can be applied. While 3D graphics were once a concept limited to movie theatres, with specialized printing methods almost any image or surface can have added mot...