The Function of Lenticular Printing Training

Lenticular Printing- It is a type of printing to present 3D effects on 2D printed media. Lenticular means relating to lenses. In this process, the lenticular lens sheet is used to reflect light contrarily depending on the viewing angle. In general, a lenticular sheet has many lenticular on it that makes an impression of dimensional in-depth imaging. And each lenticular functions as if a convex lens. With proper correction and design, the lens can provide different images that create an illusion of 3D images . When it comes to the lenticular 3D graphics, the key objective of this process is to add depth or motion to a printed media by inserting lenticular over a 2D print. This can allow a human eye to alongside view alternating sections of multiple images. In the current scenario, the lenticular technologies are so popular that they help to improve the viewing of multiple images on a card. You can add enough images required to simulate a video which is the best ...