Get to Know About Various Uses of Lenticular Printing

Lenticular 3D and lenticular product pertain to lenses. Allowing a range of images, a lenticular is a kind of lens that can be seen by the naked eye at one time. The first is a printed image series or a printed image. Feeling like a grooved Plexiglas type, the lens is the second. At a time, you can see multiple images by looking at the image through the lens. On different aspects of the picture, the eye can concentrate with the help of the contour of the lens. Rather than a whole image in one piece, the image is printed in strips, which enables the 3D effect to emerge. Various Uses of Lenticular Printing Lenticular Posters The pleasure of decorating your own home with your favorite idols stands and personalities unparalleled to anything else no matter what happens. So, what do you think would make up a better poster when you do decide to decorate: a real-life moving image or a faded blunt colored poster of your favorite? Well, the answer seems quite obvious. Le...