Know About Lenticular Printing and 3D Printing
We all must have seen animation in printed images such as changing
graphics, winking of eyes, dancing image, - commonly told as a 3D effect but
actually, it is the lenticular effect. It is a specialized image made with a specialized printing process is known as 3D lenticular decorative Printing
and in the process, the substrate used is lenticular sheets or Lenticular
Collection Lenticular lens is finding application in several other areas
as well however it is mainly found in children's toys. Through Packaging,
communication can be done and these posters are marketing tools to display
products in motion. Let us give a look at the technology and where we can get
Lenticular Sheet/Lens
These are the piece of extruded plastic sheets having repeating rows of
convex lenses on the front surface of the material and on the backside of the
material a flat surface that can either be printed on directly or have a
pre-printed graphic mounted to it based on the process of lenticular
decorative printing.
Lenticular Printing
It is a specialized printing process that utilizes a combination of
specially prepared graphics that are specifically designed to perfectly work
together with the lenticular lens so that it can create printed images with a
depth illusion. With a lenticular lens, the process of preparing graphics for
use is commonly called interlacing.
Interlacing is the process of a set of 2D images that creates a
lenticular image from a 3D lenticular decorative manufacturer. From
each 2D image, a small strip is taken and to match a specific lens pitch it is
combined in one image. An interlaced image is made from repeating slices of
multiple images that are either, or multiple frames of an animated or
multi-image sequence or multiple views of one scene for 3D. These divided
strips of the images are together interlaced. Underneath the lenticular lens
for the effect to work the interlaced image is then printed in the register
(perfectly alignment).
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