How Lenticular Printing has become a new Advertising dimension

Sometimes by just having a brilliant design portfolio isn’t enough as you need to think bigger. And that’s where the role of outdoor advertising comes. Large and prominently placed, in grabbing the attention and imagination of their target audience, art directors and ad agencies are thinking of new and innovative ways to use them.

In lenticular advertising, using Lent kart printing is one such brilliant example of innovation. Lenticular printing is a technology in which to produce printed images with an illusion of depth lenticular lenses are used.

In the world, lenticular printing is the only specialism that with an array of optical lens ribs across the surface involves printing onto transparent clear plastic. Then on the back of the film images are printed, and on the front when viewed through the optical lens, they create the moving image.

Lenticular advertising China usually combines a clear plastic lens front layer with a printed backing layer. The print can be on the conventional paper which is then to the plastic lens material are carefully aligned and laminated, or onto the smooth rear face of the clear plastic, it may be directly printed (often by UV inkjet). With front or backlit prints, the effect works equally well.

In a lenticular image, the print is conventional, whereas the image creation stage is exacting. Into narrow stripes, it splits a set of different images, and then it arranges them in side-by-side sets (called interleaving).

The illusion of motion or flipping generally comes from changing the viewpoint of your eyes: either by walking past or in the case of posters towards the print. The diffraction of the lenses directs different image stripes towards your eyes with the movement of the print, and you will find change in the image. You will see different lenticular advertising manufacturer near you. With front or backlit prints, the effect works equally well.

Afterward, complex software and pre-press digital artwork preparation has historically made access to this print costly. It has been changed by our partner, Lentico that to just by pioneering an image conversion portal that streamlines the process for a modern market.


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